Green Week

Darwin Green Week is an annual fixture in the College calendar, organised by the DCSA Environmental & Ethical Affairs Officer in collaboration with other college members. Previous Green Weeks have included charity fundraising concerts, dips and wine from the student allotment, and trips to solar farms and recycling plants.

Darwin Kitchens trips

The Catering team often run trips, on which staff, students and Catering Managers from other colleges are invited. Recent trips include:

Chet Valley Vineyard – suppliers and sponsors of the 2023 plant-based May Ball.

Eat Curious – producers of plant-based meat alternatives and vertical growing in a closed-loop system with solar farm, water reuse and XYZ robots.

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Thanks to all who hosted us including the nice folk in the gardening, bird-watching, face-painting, future-forecasting, punting, kayaking, candle-making and the nice sustainable food too”, Darwin Member.

It was a joy to see such a diversity of participants and all those little feet streaking around Darwin, taking in the gardens”, Volunteer.

A very well-organised and well thought-through event filled with fun and diverse educational activities… reminding us to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the natural world”, Parent.