Computing Facilities
The Study Centre includes a computer facility primarily oriented towards basic word processing, web-based research, e-mail and laser printing on PC and Mac platforms. There is some support for more specialised applications where these have been made available as part of the Managed Cluster Service (MCS).
The IT Office
The IT Office offers a walk-in Laptop Clinic on weekdays from 9:30 – 2pm manned by the IT Support Assistant. The IT Manager is usually in between 2 and 5pm.
Alternatively, please email your request to or phone: 01223 (3)35778.
Wireless Network Information
Darwin College operates a wireless network available to all College members who have a computer with a wireless network capabilities using the /802.11g or 802.11n standards (also known as WiFi). The following information should help you get started using the network.
Connection Instructions:
Darwin College supports and strongly recommend that members configure their devices to use the eduroam authentication service wherever there is wireless access in College as this will work across the University (and beyond).
Detailed instructions on how to configure eduroam is available from the UIS:
eduroam for Cambridge users (Direct link to UIS Tokens Service)
or you can try the quick setup instructions as follows, in order (may not be suitable for all devices):
- Collect your Network Access Token from the UIS Token Service (Raven password required)
- Download a suitable configuration tool or profile according to your operating system:
- Windows 10
- Windows 8 and 8.1 (not RT)
Apple Devices (MacOS, and iOS)
In the tool or instructions above use as your login/user name and the token (collected in step 1) as your password.
- Visitors from other institutions with eduroam credentials should use those credentials issued by their home institution.
- Users wanting to use web-based authentication (including visitors with a Darwin guest login) should connect to the network advertised as “Darwin Wireless” and open up a web browser and connect to any web-site. This request should be intercepted and you should see a screen requesting you to authenticate to the Darwin Network. You do this by entering your Study Centre login and password. Once these have been accepted you will be directed back to the page you originally requested, and your computer will be able to connect using other network programs (like or Outlook).
Other types of devices
- Devices which do not support WPA2/Enterprise (ie. some devices which are not running Windows/MacOS/iOS/Android) are NOT supported. However, an experimental IoT wireless network has been put in place for unsupported connectivity of devices registered for the pilot service here.
- Warning: Please note many of the devices in this category are inherently insecure as they are designed to be used on a home network. The Darwin network is not private any device you add which does not implement proper network security may be visible to all users across the College, so use this service at your own risk. ie. if your TV does not have PIN security for connecting devices anyone on the network may be able to broadcast to it!
Wired Network Connections in Student Rooms
All the rooms in College with the exception of the flats in Newnham have wired network connections which can be activated by connecting to the socket in the room, opening a web browser and completing the registration form.