Graduate Tutors

As a member of Darwin, you have access to a Tutor – a College Fellow – who is here to give you confidential advice and support on any non-academic problems you may experience and, aided by the Deanery, to direct you to specialist support if necessary. Regular academic queries should be directed to your Supervisor, Department or Director of Studies, but your Tutor may advise in case of difficulties. If you need urgent advice, you may wish to contact the Deanery directly. The Dean provides support and advice to Tutors and is available to take over complex issues as required.

Get to know your Tutor – they will email you either before you arrive in Cambridge or shortly thereafter. Keep all relevant contact details to hand, and update your Tutor with your progress and any difficulties you might encounter. You should aim to see your Tutor at least twice each academic year, either in a group or individually as necessary.

Your Tutor is a source of general advice and support. He or she is always happy to listen to your experiences of studying and research, to offer advice where appropriate, and to help you to find academic staff and students in College with similar interests. Your Tutor will have access to reports submitted online by your supervisor concerning your academic progress, and to any self-assessment exercise you complete via CamSIS and will liaise where necessary with academic supervisors and Departments or Faculties, particularly if you are experiencing difficulties. If you are worried by what a report says, or want a different perspective on your work, talk to your Tutor.

More commonly, if you fall ill or your work has been disrupted or you need to take time out for personal reasons, your Tutor will help you ensure that your application is presented properly to the relevant university bodies. Your Tutor will also be able to provide careers advice.

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Darwin has its own Head of Wellbeing, Beau Roberts, who can offer counselling sessions, advice, or an opportunity to talk things through. If you would like to arrange a session with Beau, please email her on

The University Counselling Service is at 2-3 Bene’t Place, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EL, and is open from 9am-5.30pm on Monday and Fridays, and 9am-7.30pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  You can make an appointment with one of their counsellors by telephone on 01223 332 865 or by email on

This is a fully confidential service. Full information can be found on the UCS website.

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