We are delighted to announce that Professor Angela Wood has taken up the position of Vice-Master of Darwin, alongside Professor Fiona Karet. Thank you to Professor Sara Baker, who has previously served in the role, for her continuing contribution to life at Darwin.
NIHR Professor of Biostatistics and Health Data Science in the Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Angela was also recently appointed as Co-Lead/Programme Director of the Big Data for Complex Diseases Driver Programme. Her research focuses on the use of population health data for the prevention of numerous chronic diseases.
Throughout her career, Angela has seen building relationships with students and colleagues as something to be balanced alongside the pursuit of science, rather than secondary to it.
“I love being a Tutor at Darwin – I really enjoy the interactions with students,” she says. “I’m also a Staff Development Lead, and supervise lots of students in the Department.”
While already juggling multiple priorities, Angela is looking forward to further developing this non-academic focus.
“I see it as refreshing! It’s nice to do something which is nothing to do with science. I want to learn more about leadership within the University and learn more about what matters to Cambridge, and this role provides an opportunity to do that it in a safe environment. I’m very excited to take it on.”