Connection Instructions:
Darwin College supports and strongly recommend that members configure their devices to use the eduroam authentication service wherever there is wireless access in College as this will work across the University (and beyond).
Detailed instructions on how to configure eduroam is available from the UIS:
eduroam for Cambridge users (Direct link to UIS Tokens Service)
or you can try the quick setup instructions as follows, in order (may not be suitable for all devices):
- Collect your Network Access Token from the UIS Token Service (Raven password required)
- Download a suitable configuration tool or profile according to your operating system:
Apple Devices (MacOS, and iOS)
In the tool or instructions above use as your login/user name and the token (collected in step 1) as your password.
- Visitors from other institutions with eduroam credentials should use those credentials issued by their home institution.
- Users wanting to use web-based authentication (including visitors with a Darwin guest login) should connect to the network advertised as “Darwin Visitors” and open up a web browser and connect to any web-site. This request should be intercepted and you should see a screen requesting you to authenticate using a voucher.