Lecture Series

Since the 1980s, the Darwin College Lecture Series has held a unique space in the Cambridge calendar, providing a platform for eight distinguished speakers across different fields and disciplines to approach the same topic from their own perspective. The series attracts large audiences from both within the University and the local community, and is a highlight of many members’ experience of Darwin.

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Research Seminars

Research Seminars are an established feature of Darwin life, giving members the chance to present work in progress to a supportive audience of their peers, in a relaxed environment. Over lunch or in the early evening, on Tuesdays and Thursdays in term-time, making the series a regular part of your routine provides constant food for thought.

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Erasmus Seminars

Launched in 2022, the Darwin Erasmus Seminars fill a gap between the scale of the Lecture Series and the informality of the Research Seminars. Once a term an invited speaker from either Darwin or the wider Cambridge context presents their approach to a contemporary global challenge.

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Chalk Talks

Introduced in 2024, Chalk Talks provide an informal opportunity for Darwin members to share their ideas. With three speakers per session, and just 10 minutes in which to speak, followed by ten minutes of questions, they offer an energetic, low pressure way to present your passions and learn from your peers.

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